Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dragon Eggs

Dragon Eggs-

This second grade lesson was designed around a book called The Egg by M P Robertson. We began by reviewing the book which was about a little boy who found an egg and it turned out to be a dragon egg. The boy keeps the egg and later helps the dragon return to the place where he is from. Our teacher asked us questions about fiction and non-fiction and had us determine what the book would be considered. Then we began making our own dragon egg out of clay. Our teacher demonstrated how to knead the clay so that no air bubbles would be in our clay. When our air dry clay was ready we molded it around a plastic Easter Egg. When the Easter Egg could no longer be seen and the clay took the shape of the egg we then started putting texture where we wanted on our eggs. Clay tools were being passed around so that the students and I could imprint the textures we desired. On the back table was gold chains and little aquarium pebbles that we could use on our dragon eggs. Tempra paint was on the back table as well so that we could take whatever colors we wanted and paint our egg, I painted my egg lime green and blue and then sat it in the window to dry. After our project we had a worksheet where we critiqued how we did on the project and got to name our dragon egg.

Lesson plans based on books are very fun in my opinion because it helps the students remember the book better because they have a visual aide. If i was to do this lesson I would present this to an older crowd. However, I would integrate it with a biology less where we are learning about dinosaurs instead of a fictional character such as a dragon. During this I would have the students choose a specific dinosaur and research the size and texture of the dinosaur's eggs. This way the students can compare the eggs and determine the difference in the species of dinosaurs.

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